Tuesday, June 18, 2013

SAAB Boneyard

After some research I came across Tim Nines, an ex dirt-track racer who drove... You guessed it: a SAAB Sonett. Apparently back in the day he was quite the force to be reckoned with, he claims to have been classed up at the track until he was racing all-american V8s, and winning...

Who knows if that's actually true but it's a good story. The important part is that after years of racing and modifying Sonetts he's a bit of a specialist and on the phone said he had 20-25 Sonetts in various conditions I could come pick for parts.

My lovely girlfriend drove me out to him and I was blown away, he said he had a lot of old SAAB's and he wasn't kidding. He had probably more than 25 sonnets scattered across his property. I spent hours and scavenged what parts I needed. When I had what I needed I paid what I think would considered "retail", in other words it wasn't cheap. But he's kind of got a monopoly on the market, I even got a replacement for my cracked windshield.

I haggled my price and promised Tim to bring Svettlana by when she was done.

dos louvers 

1 comment:

  1. I need this guys contact! About to begin my Saab and will need ALOT.
